Saturday, October 20, 2007

Guess who got his first pieces of mail.....

Hey Kids,

Who rocks my face off?? Shirley in Oklahoma and Jeffrey in WeHo Rock my face off! They were the senders of my first pieces of mail. Jeffrey, a return volunteer, sent me some encouraging words, and Shirley sent me a little care package with bandanas and other goodies to enjoy. Much thanks, as it made me the envy of the other volunteers. Any kids in South Carolina that can, I want some Gamecock attire.... Those of you who asked, the address again is:

Zachery Scott, PCT (After my training, it will be PCV)
Corpo Da Paz/U.S. Peace Corps
C.P. 4398

My beard is growing out nicely, and I look 40 again. I will keep taking pictures and upload them all in a month or so. Learning Portuguese is coming along slowly but surely. It is an intensive program, but effective. We are also intertwining technical classes and cross-cultural classes in as well, resulting in little free time. The emotional roller coaster is slowing down a bit. I feel less manic, and more secure about our role and need in the country. Mozambique remains to impress me with the overall hospitality of its people and the beauty of its lands.

Once I get more into training and eventually to site, I will have more to report. Right now they are just working us pretty hard to get everyone up to speed before letting us loose on our projects.

Keep the letters and packages coming. They are always a nice surprise.

Much love,



Rick said...

Buckets of water for showers! Walking in mud! Children! Sounds like the south. I thought you were going somewhere much different from America.

Seriously, sounds amazing. You are missed.

Much love
Rick (Soon to be Dr Rick)

Kaleb said...

Truly an inspiration. I am sitting in my posh little Gallery, sipping tea listening to my ipod and all I can think about is "I want to be where Zack is right now." Thanks man, right now I'll post but give me tiime and you may get something in the mail. Take it easy and keep the stories coming.